Finding that extra gear.
by John Van Dyke
I had my foot hard on the gas beginning this year, optimistic about projects ahead, somewhat accustom to the dysfunctional white house, and knowing it was going to be absolutely crazy come election time. Then February came, and Covid.
At first, I thought our country would rally together, set aside the divisiveness and find common cause. Not the case. Instead it has been used to further divide us. 200,000 dead in September and a lot more on the way. We are a dysfunctional country, with the highest deaths per capita in the world as it turns out, when dealing with the pandemic. And the latest suggestion from the top is herd immunity?

We are stressed beyond imagination on so many levels. Everyone has their list, business, work, kids, school, family, community, finance, and health. Generations and ethnic groups have been singled out and thrown into separate camps, experts and science have been replaced with opinions and spin. And we are more vulnerable to cyber attacks than ever before. Social media is a dangerous place, loaded with propaganda, misinformation, and hate groups, sharing space with our families and friends.
I know that I am not alone feeling like I am stuck, spinning my wheels, getting nowhere, or making progress only to find a detour ahead. Uncertainty is constant in our lives at this time. Being resilient and optimistic is difficult. We are pushing ourselves beyond our capacity. And we need to talk about it. I see signs everywhere. I, need to talk about it. My tank is almost empty. My “surge capacity” is almost depleted.
A friend just reminded me that creative people have a special gift, an extra gear to use to get out of these extreme times.
And then an election happened.