Three words for our time.
by John Van Dyke

Misogyny Mendacity & Gaslighting.
A few years ago, mendacity came front of mind for me. For some reason the word played over and over in my head. I remembered when I first really became aware of it, hearing Burl Ives in the play Cat on a Hot Tin Roof saying it loudly over and over. “The Mendacity of it all”, addressing Paul Newman’s character. It seems to have caught on in politics and with some leaders and captains of industry today.
Men-dac-i-ty / untruthfulness
Another word, misogyny, that I had not thought of, surfaced slowly starting in 2016. And took center stage during confirmation hearings. I was reminded of it with a conversation I was filming with a veteran political candidate, as he talked about what comes from the mouths and actions of candidates, politicians, and leaders today.
Mi-sog-y-ny / dislike of, contempt for, or ingrained prejudice against women
Then a word that was in the dark corners of my vocabulary popped up, Gaslighting. I read a very good article about what is happening now, today, in real time, how strong men, dictators, autocrats, narcissists, take control of the narrative and eventually sow seeds of doubt, making people question their own thoughts and judgement.
Gas-light / manipulate someone by psychological means
Words define us. It’s who we are.